Comprehensive Plan Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Comprehensive Plan and how will it be used? 

A Comprehensive Plan is a tool to help manage growth based on a community’s shared vision and valuesEnvision Lakewood 2040 Comprehensive Plan is a long-range advisory document that will look ahead 15 years into the futureIt will articulate a clear vision and roadmap for the future of Lakewood and provides the goals and actions to achieve that vision.  

A Comprehensive Plan is also a policy document that provides guidance to the City Council, Planning Commission, City staff, residents, businesses, and developers to make informed decisions about the current and future needs of the community. It is a valuable tool developed to:  

  • Promote the community’s vision for the future of Lakewood; 

  • Maintain and improve the physical environment and sustainability of the City; 

  • Respond to the social, environmental, economic, and demographic realities and forecasts; 

  • Identify and set budgeting priorities; 

  • Provide for the health, safety and welfare of the entire Lakewood community; and 

  • Plan in a thoughtful, cohesive, and comprehensive manner. 

Why is Lakewood updating the Comprehensive Plan now?  

Lakewood’s current Comprehensive Plan, Lakewood 2025: Moving Forward Together, was approved in 2015 and is nearing the end of its lifecycle and needs to be updated. The State of Colorado requires that local governments must periodically adopt a Master Plan (otherwise known as a Comprehensive Plan) as an advisory document that is used to manage population growth and guide land development decisions. A master plan is intended to create a holistic (and comprehensive!) guide to ensure that future policies, code updates, and developments are more effective and compatible with a community’s vision. 

Elements addressed in a comprehensive plan may include but are not limited to recreation and tourism (as required by the Colorado Revised Statute 30-28-106), transportation, land use, economic development, affordable housing, environment, parks and open space, natural and cultural resources, hazards, capital improvements, water supply and conservation, efficiency in government, sustainability, energy and urban design.  

What is the timeline for the Comprehensive Plan process?  

Envision Lakewood 2040 will take about one and a half years from start to finish. The work for updating the comprehensive plan began in 2023 and is expected to be adopted by mid-2025. We are currently in Phase 2 which began in January 2024 

Phase 1 Plan for the Plan (Completed in 2023) – Plan for the Plan included some preplanning tasks such as best practice research and developing an engagement approach.  

Phase 2 Develop the Plan (Currently underway) – Develop the Plan started in January and will be a very active year to develop the Plan.  (can include “How to participate right now” here or as the next section) 

Phase 3 – Revise and Adopt the Plan (Anticipated mid-2025) -- Once we have a draft Plan we will begin the review and adoption process 

Phase 4 – Implement the Plan (2025-2040) - After the Plan is adopted by Planning Commission and City Council, we can begin implementation and tracking our progress. 

How can I be involved in the process?  

The community will have several opportunities to engage in the project virtually or in-person throughout the planning process. We encourage those to sign up for project updates to stay informed on key community engagement opportunities and upcoming meetings and workshops  

Does the Comprehensive Plan change the land use designation or zoning of my property?  

The Comprehensive Plan is a policy document and does not change any existing zoning designations. It gives the community, staff, and decision makers a guide for evaluating future development.  

Any changes to zoning regulations must be supported by the Comprehensive Plan and approved by Planning Commission and adopted by ordinance by the City Council.  

What other regional or local planning efforts influence the Comprehensive Plan? 

Jefferson County is currently updating several county-wide plans, including:  

  • Comprehensive Plan 

  • Transportation & Mobility Plan 

  • Community Wildlife Plan 

  • Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan Evacuation Annex  

  • Unified Land Use Code  

In addition, Lakewood has citywide plans that provide guidance for specific areas and topics. These are considered functional plans and include but not limited to: